Welcome to Samy's Epic Site!!

best free website hit counter

Welcome to freakysunshine aka MY (Samy's) EPIC SITE!
I'm still working on it tho, there will be erros.

This site will be used to show my interests, host my art, experiment with coding and other stuff! and maybe a fourth secret thing

Este sitio no tiene traduccion al español pero el google traductor funcionda bastante bien!!!

Neocities Censor Panda W3schools

Isopod test

This is what isopod i am :3c

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The Large Blue butterfly is a species of carnivorous butterfly, and went extinct in Britain in 1979. It has since been reintroduced with new conservation methods.

Want your own? Visit hekate.neocities.org!

The Bimbo Test -- Make and Take a Fun Test @ NerdTests.com's User Tests!
My Result: You are half bimbo, half brain box.
-= click to take @ NerdTests.com =-

I 	am a Mime! Click here to take the clown quiz!
Zim button Layercake button Raining starts button the absolute realm button to davemiller's neocities page Yumering The chaotic threshold qsite Gifypets Gobbling heart sadgrl templater trickyfox Testtubesterone Solaria boxy clowmfrer Jackisnotbright vaje maggyhue clowbonk Zombiigutz


Working on: Spanish translation, an alternative theme and a lightbox for my art and photos


> Display update! it may not look good on phone... also, "About me" page will look a little weird 'cause I'm configuring the flexbox


> I don't know how to place the text to the side please help
> nvm i fixed it.... kinda


> Font and layout modifications.

> Sidebars removed from the rest of sections, replaced with a "Go back?" button.


> Demo for lytebox here!

> Updates and "funny stuff" changed places.

"Funny stuff" now rebranded as "Funniez" and placed below gallery, more stuff coming soon


> Funny stuff added

> Friends section demo now added.

> Charlie section still a wip.

> PVZ added ?!?! doesn't work on phone ppipii

> Made buttons for the art section

>social media links moved to "about me".

>Changed padding and button hover

>webamp added! can't be moved around in mobile though. Also new pet added!

>About and Collection section - completed, may add more things

> Float image changed :3

>Selfship shrine completed

>Removed mask on float, aligned text

> Moved Art and collection to their own navigation section

>Layout changed to look PVZ themed

Collection and art section created!

>Site created!

My buttons!

freakysunshine buttom
freakysunshine alt button